Thursday, January 11, 2007

Karma strikes again

Alas, as soon as I decide to do a blog and keep it updated with some regularity, my trusty old Dell gives up the ghost with a sputtering beep of despair. Most likely a bad DC jack, which will require a costly and time-consuming return to the mother ship for repairs. I was tempted to round up a soldering iron and make the fix myself, but since I haven't soldered anything since high school (and my skills were poor then at best), I figured I'd do considerably more harm than good. My technological situation such as it is, the Karma Cycle will be offline for the near future, to return in excellent form at the soonest possible moment. Of course, I doubt anyone's reading this, but if by chance you, lone internet traveler, are hanging on my every word, well, you'll just have to hold your horses or send me $150 for parts.

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