Monday, March 19, 2007

breaking the cycle

The Karma Cycle has been on an unofficial hiatus lately, due mainly to the fact that I don't have much to complain about, celebrities haven't been stupid enough to merit a post, and I haven't bought any products that have made me mad. No grumpy opinions = no blog posts, apparently. I am rather pissed that my gym has randomly started charging me again two months after I canceled my contract, but that saga is ongoing. I have to call and talk to some dude named Johnny tomorrow who's supposed to sort things out. We'll see. Anyhow, until either 1) something blogworthy happens or 2) I win the lottery, quit my job and take to messing around on the computer full-time, the Karma Cycle posts will come if and when I feel like it. Once the weather gets warm, I'd rather sit in the park and read a book anyhow...hasta luego, Cycleites.